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Mistent® Fast Healing" in Stent Analysis

Publish Time: 2025-03-06     Origin: Site

Mistent® coronary drug-eluting stent system, as an important overseas transformation project of Kossel Medical, has officially launched in the Chinese market with two advantages of "fast healing and long efficacy", providing a new clinical choice for PCI surgery.

This article brings you the design story behind the realization of the "fast healing" function of Mistent®

一、Thin-wall stent design

Thick-wall stent can lead to stent thrombosis: high endothelial shear stress (ESS) at the top of the strut activates platelets; In the lower ESS area downstream of the strut, blood vortex is formed, which increases the concentration of locally activated platelets, delays re-endothelialization, and weakens the production of autogenous anticoagulants

After implantation of thin-wall stents into blood vessels, the physiological ESS was retained, which was conducive to platelet immobilization at the top of the strut, and promoted re-endothelialization and antithrombotic factor production downstream of the strut.

Mistent® uses a 64μm ultra-thin cobalt-chromium stent platform to achieve rapid endothelialization and reduce the risk of acute thrombosis.

Ordinate: stent strut thickness μm

二、Absorbable polymer coating

The coating of the Mistent® consists of a rapidly bioabsorbable PLGA polymer and embedded Sirolimus crystals

Under the dual action of polymer embedding and drug crystal binding, Mistent® implantation in blood vessels did not cause drug sudden release at the initial stage and did not delay vascular endothelialization

Endothelialization was achieved after 3 days of stent implantation

Endothelium was uniformly covered after 30 days of stent implantation

三、"Thin-wall stent" + "Absorbable polymer coating" = "Rapid endothelialization"


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